Protocol :is a set of predefined rules used by devices in network for data transfer. It is a communication standard followed by computers in a network to communicate with each other.
      Network Protocols:

Developed by IBM and later adopted by Microsoft
Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) used for communication within LAN
Operates at Transport and Session layers of OSI model
NetBIOS Extended User Interface (NetBEUI) adds capabilities to NetBIOS and an advanced version of NetBIOS used in MS Windows OS
Widely used in Ethernet, Token Ring and Windows NT networks.
NetBIOS Services :-
Supports three distinct services: Name service for name registration and resolution, Session service for connection oriented communication and datagram service for connectionless communication.
Name Service :-
  Implemented in Microsoft Windows as Windows Internet Name Service (WINS).
  Provides means to application to register its NetBIOS name
  NetBIOS names are 16 bytes length
  Service uses UDP port 137
  Name Service functions include
·         Add Name
·         Add Group Name
·         Delete Name
·         Find Name
Session Service :-
Establishes session for data exchange between computers using TCP port 139
Datagram Service :-
 Uses the UDP port 138 and provides a connectionless and broadcast-oriented data communication between two devices.
  Divides data in datagrams before sending
 Datagram service functions include:
·         Send Datagram
·         Send Broadcast Datagram
·         Receive Datagram
·         Receive Broadcast Datagram

NetBIOS Name Resolution :-
 Used to map NetBIOS names to IP addresses
  Methods used to resolve names:
·         NetBIOS Name Cache
·         NetBIOS Name Server (NBNS)
·         Local Broadcast

NetBEUI :-
  Enhanced version of NetBIOS
  Used by LAN manager, LAN server, Windows for workgroups, Windows 95 and Windows NT
  Adapted to other protocols such as IPX or TCP/IP as it does not support routing of messages to other networks

  Two layer communication protocol used by Internet
  TCP provides connection-oriented reliable transport service
  Divides the message into smaller packets called segments
  IP is a connectionless and unreliable datagram protocol and provides no error checking
  IP transfers data in the form of packets called datagrams

TCP/IP Protocol Suite :-
  Designed before OSI model
  Consists of five layers
 Provides independent protocols at each layer  
Description of Each Layer :-
Ø  Physical and Data link layer – standard and proprietary protocols are supported by these layers.
Ø  Network layer –
    1. IP –  It sends data in the form of packets called datagrams.
    2. ARP –  It is used to translate the IP address to Ethernet MAC address.                                     
3. RARP – It is used to determine the IP address of the host only when its IP address is known.
4. ICMP – used to send query and error reporting messages to the      sender and not to correct them.
                5. IGMP – Uses class D IP address.
Ø  Transport layer –
1. UDP –  It adds port address and error control information and error      control information to the data and delivers the data.
2. TCP – divides data into segments each having a sequence number.
                  3. Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) – multiple streams of data can be transmitted simultaneously. Used over wireless network and transmission of multimedia data. Supports voice over IP and combines the best features of TCP and UDP
Ø  Application layer –
      1. SMTP – It is used to transfer e-mail message across the network.
2. FTP – It is used to exchange files from host to another connected over internet.
3. DNS – It is used to store and resolves the internet domain names of          host to IP address and vice versa.
                  4.  SNMP – Based on client-server model.
 5. NFS – Allows different Operating systems to share files and disk storage.
 6. TFTP – Uses UDP to upload or download files and does not provide security features.


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