open run by clicking ctrl+r.
now type C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc in run and click enter.
open hosts with notepad.
now below the localhost type the fallowing and save.
To convert web page into pdf file
Go to the website which you want to convert it into pdf file.
Then press ctrl+p .
Now change the destination as "save as pdf". then click on print.
web page will be saved as pdf in your pc.
NOTE; this trick works on only opera mini and chrome ...
To hide your files behind image fallow the below steps
First select the file which you want to hide and also select an image (I selected image and file on desktop, you can select them at any location in your pc ).
convert file into .rar using winrar
Dynamic IP assignment:IP addresses that are automatically assigned for a specific period of a
time might change.
EX: DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
Static IP assignment: Address that are manually assign and do not change overtime.
Dynamic Host Configuration...
LAN:-local area networks are used to connect networking devices that are in a very close geographical such as a floor of a building , a building it self or with in campus.
MAN:- metropolitan area network are used to connect network devices that may span around...
Inter connection of two or more devices is called as a network.
The communication b/w two or more inter connected devices is called the networking.
An inter network is a connection of two or more network’s. It means communication between networks.
Need for computer...
The Internet is the
world’s largest network made up of thousands of networks. Internet is the
combination of Interconnection and Network and is also called “Net”. We are
having the following networks.
LAN-Local Area Network-Interconnection of
Computers within...