• open run by clicking  ctrl+r.
  • now type   C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc   in run and click enter.
  • open hosts with notepad.
  • now below the localhost type the fallowing and save.
              This will block facebook in your pc  
  • To  block other websites, type website url after  
Example  : (this will block gmail)       


 To convert web page into pdf file
  • Go to the website which you want to convert it into pdf file.
  • Then press ctrl+p .

  • Now change the destination as "save as pdf". then click on print.
  • web page will be saved as pdf in your pc.

  • NOTE; this trick works on only opera mini and chrome browsers.


    To hide your files behind image fallow the below steps


    • First select the file which you want to hide and also select an image (I selected image and file on desktop, you can select them at any location in your pc ).


    • convert file into .rar  using winrar

    • Now open  Command Prompt(to open  Command Prompt press 'windows+ R' and type cmd)
    • Type cd desktop and press enter in  Command Prompt(this will change dictionary to desktop).
    • Type the below code in  Command Prompt and press enter to hide your file behind the image
                        Copy /b imagename.jpg + filename.rar finalimage.jpg
    NOTE: In above code replace imagename with  the name of the image you selected.  .jpg  is the image format, if your image is in png you can change it to imagename.png 
    replace  filename  with the name of your file ,it must be in .rar format
    finalimage may be any name that you want, if your image is in png format change it into finalimage.png. this is the image where your files are hidden.
    open that image it will be opened as a normal image.

    we hide the file behind the image. do u know how to access  that file? to know that fallow the below step


    • Open winrar drag that image( finalimage) into winrar 
    • extract it ,done


    Dynamic IP assignment:IP addresses that are automatically assigned for a specific period of a
    time might change. 
    EX: DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).

    Static IP assignment: Address that are manually assign and do not change overtime.


    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a standard protocol that allows a  server to dynamically distribute IP addressing and configuration information to  clients. Normally the DHCP server provides the client with at least this basic information:                       

           IP Address

           Subnet Mask

           Default Gateway

    Other information can be provided as well, such as Domain Name Service (DNS) server addresses and Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server addresses. The system administrator configures the DHCP server with the options  that are parsed out to the client.


    1. Decreases the admin burden.

    2. Reduces IP conflict

    3. Automatically we can assign DNS and Gateway.

    4.centralized IP address management.


                1. Exclude some addresses.

                2. Static also can be apply for each and every pc by using MAC address

    For obtaining IP using DHCP server it will follow the DORA process

                D= Discover (Discover the server in the network)

                O= Offer       (Server offers IP)

                R= Request  (Client request IP)

                A= Acknowledgement (Server gives acknowledgement)

    The process between client and DHCP service is DORA process.

    The transmission of DORA process is broadcasting.

    Scope: Group of valid range of IP addresses which we want to assign for a system in a network.

                 options:1. Address pool

                             2. Address Lease

     3. Exclusion

     4. Reservation

     5. Lease period

    Address pool: Range of addresses which we want to apply for clients

    Address Lease: The addresses which obtained from the DHCP server the PC’s will be listed in address lease.

    Exclusion: The range of addresses which we want to exclude from address pool.

    Reservation: Used to assign a particular address for particular client by binding MAC address as an IP Address.

    Getting mac address : get mac –s sys2name or get mac \s sys2name

    If DHCP client is running continuously in the network .After completion of 50% or 87.5% of its IP lease duration DHCP client will send request packet DHCP server and request IP lease duration.

    Lease Period:

    limited: 8 Days to 999,23hr,59sec

    Unlimited: Depends upon the system, for more years.



    Normal operation




    If DHCP server is not available in the network then os of DHCP client will assign an IP address automatically.which is called apipa (automatic IP address).

    The range of apipa address is to

    Computerized DHCP can be available in windows server 2012,2003,2008,Linux,UNIX.

    The database name of DHCP is DHCP.Mdb(media data base)

    The location of DHCP.mdb is c:/windows/sys32/DHCP.Mdb

                Port number of DHCP server is 67.

                Port number of DHCP client is 68.

    DHCP client and server communicate by using user datagram protocol(UDP).

                            DHCP works on Application layer.

    Installation DHCP in windows server 2012:

    Install DHCP.

    Post-install configuration wizard, click next.

    Click commit to authorize the DHCP server.

    Click close complete authorization of DHCP server.

    Create a scope:

    Expand sys name.

    Right click on IPV4.

    Select new scope.

    Click next.

    Scope name.scope1 then next

    Enter the IP address range to be leased to clients, click next

    Scope range in the same network of DHCP server.

    To execute IP address enter the start and end IP address, click on add, click next.

    In the lease duration screen, you can increase or decrease the value click next.

    Tick yes, I want to configure these options now and click next.

    In router (default gateway)screen .enter the IP address of the router that will function as the default gateway for this scope clients and click add or if you don’t have a router in your network just click next.

    In the domain name and DNS server screen enter the name of the parent domain and IP address of the DNS server.

    click add.

    Click next

    In windows screen enter details of windows server just click next

    Activate scope screen, select yes and click next

    Finish scope.


    Change the select to obtain IP address automatically.

    In cmd type ip config/release.

    Then ip config /renew.

    After right click on network icon

    Select properties to view details.

    Verify IP address leased by the DHCP service along with lease duration

    DHCP reservation:

    Open DHCP

    Expand domain name

    Expand IPV4

    Expand scope

    Right click on reservation

    Select on new reservation.

    Type reservation name and IP and mac address of client system

    Tick as both

    In client system

    In cmd


    Then ip config /renew.

    DHCP server backup:

    Open DHCP and right click on server name

    Select backup

    Then select location and click ok.


    Now delete entire scope.

    Right click on server name

    Select restore and select path.

    Configure DHCP server fail-over

    This fracture is available in windows 2012 ensuring continuous availability of DHCP service to clients

    With DHCP failover, two DHCP servers share DHCP scope and lease information ,enabling one server to provide DHCP leases to DHCP clients if the other server is unavailable

    Hot stand-by mode: this mode provides for DHCP service.

    Load balance mode: this mode allocates DHCP client leases across service


    Sys2:insatll DHCP server role on sys2 and do not authorize the server

    Sys1 :open DHCP console

    Expand server name

    Expand IPV4

    Right click on scope

    Select config failover.

    Introduction to DHCP failover wizard, click next

    Add failover

    server like ( ok

    Select the mode ,enable message authentication and enter shared next

    To complete the failover,click finish

    Verify summary to be successful.

    Sys2 c:post installation wizard ,click next

    Click commit ,to authorize the DHCP server

    Verify summary and close.

    Verification : DHCP console and verify the scope replicated from sys1.

    RUN Command part-2

    Access.cpl =Accessibility properties
    Appwiz.cpl= Add/Remove Programs properties
    Desk.cpl= Display properties
    FindFast.cpl= Find Fast (included with Microsoft Office for Windows 95)
    Inetcpl.cpl=Internet properties
    Intl.cpl= Regional Settings properties
    Joy.cpl=  Joystick properties
    Main.cpl = Mouse, Fonts, Keyboard, and Printers properties
    Mlcfg32.cpl = Microsoft Exchange or Windows Messaging properties
    Mmsys.cpl=Multimedia properties
    Modem.cpl=Modem properties
    Netcpl.cpl=Network properties
    Odbccp32.cpl=Data Sources (32-bit ODBC, included w/ Microsoft Office)
    Password.cpl=Password properties
    Sticpl.cpl=Scanners and Cameras properties
    Sysdm.cpl=System properties and Add New Hardware wizard
    Themes.cpl=Desktop Themes
    TimeDate.cpl=Date/Time properties
    Wgpocpl.cpl=Microsoft Mail Post Office


     LAN:-local area networks are used to connect networking devices that  are in a very close geographical such as a floor  of a building , a building it self or with in campus.
    MAN:- metropolitan area network are used to connect network devices that may span around a city.
    WAN:-wide area network which connects two or more LAN’S present  geographical locations.

    ·       NIC(network interface card) also called LAN card.
    ·       Media.
    ·       Network devices.(hub, switch, router, etc..
    ·       Protocol’s.
    ·       Logical address(IP address).
    NIC:- NIC/ LAN card, NETWORK adapter,RJ-45port,Ethernet catd
        It has 8 pin.
    Physical address/hardware address.
    MAC(media access control).
    Mac is 12hex/48bits.
    Ex:- 0A-45-9C-65-7F-6D
       Oa-44-9c is the manufacture id and   66-7f-3d is the serial number.
    To get mac address in windows in cmd window ‘getmac’  or ‘ipconfig’
    In linux to get mac address type in cmd window ‘ifconfig’
    NIC is a interface  between the computer and the network.
    Ethernet cards have a unique 48 bit address called MAC address(media access control).
    MAC address is also called as physical address (or )hardware address.
    The 48bit MAC address  is represented as 12 hexadecimal   numbers.
    Ex:- 10-16-DF-FC-45-3F.

    Network cards are available in different speed.
    ·       Ethernet (10MBPS)
    ·       Fast Ethernet (100MBPS)
    ·       Gigabit Ethernet (1000MBPS)


    Inter connection of two or more  devices is called as a network.
    The communication b/w two or more inter connected devices is called the networking.
    An inter network is a connection of two or more network’s. It means  communication between networks.
    Need for computer network
    Computer network allows you to share data with other users in a network, for example, a company having a number of computers which are connected in a network.  Computer network will enable the user to share files and folders and get synchronized with other users.
    Computer network also allows the user to share resources such as printers and faxes. Printer can be installed on one computer and can be accessed by other user.

    Internet & World Wide Web

    The Internet is the world’s largest network made up of thousands of networks. Internet is the combination of Interconnection and Network and is also called “Net”. We are having the following networks.
    LAN-Local Area Network-Interconnection of Computers within the room
    WAN-Wide Area Network-within the Building
    MAN –Metropolitan Area Network-Within the Town/city
    Internet –Interconnection Network-Network of Networks 
    The Internet is a global collection of networks that is owned by no one and operated by no single organization. Rocketed to prominence during the late 20th century, the Internet today has become important in information, trade, and communication. The internet is made up of millions of computers linked together around the world in such a way that information can be sent from any computers to any other 24 hours a day. These computers can be in homes, schools, universities, government departments, or businesses small and large. They can be any type of computer and be single personal computers or workstations on a school or a company network. The Internet is often described as ‘a network of networks’ because all the smaller networks of organizations are linked together into the one giant network called the Internet.
    a. Installing a modem:
    Open Phone &Modem options in Control Panel
    On the Modems tab, click Add.
    In the Install New Modem Wizard as shown in Fig below, select the Don’t detect my modem; I will select it from a list check box, and then click Next.
    Follow the remaining instructions provided by the Install New Modem Wizard.
    b. Configure a modem for a dial-up connection:
    Open Network Connections in Control Panel
    Click the dial-up connection you want to configure
    Follow the remaining instructions provided by the Installation Guide
    Right Click on My Network Places and Click on Properties
    Right Click on the connection you want to configure
    Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and Click on Properties
    Dial –up Connection Properties:
    For Dial up Internet Connection, if you are using more than one modem, in connect using place select the modem and configure the modem.
    Give appropriate phone number for dial-up connection provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

    Web Browsers, Surfing the Web : Students customize their web browsers with the LAN proxy settings, bookmarks, search toolbars and pop up blockers. Also, plug-ins like Macromedia Flash and JRE for applets should be configured.
    Once you have access to an Internet-connected computer, you can access the Web if that computer has Web browser software installed.  Two popular Web browsers are Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.  Start the internet by activating the Web browser.
    To open a Web address (URL), use your browser’s menu and chose File->Open or File->Open Location.  You might also be able to click on the text in the “Address” box at the top of your browser, alter or enter a URL there, and press the Return key.

    Microsoft Internet Explorer is the most used Web browser.  The Internet Explorer browser has a vast amount of customizations available.
    Font Size
    1.      Choose the menu Tools->Internet Options.  Choose the Accessibility box (lower right-hand corner)
    2.      Click the boxes for “Ignore font styles specified on Web pages” and “Ignore font size specified on Web pages.”
    3.      Set your own font style in menu Tools->Internet Options, Fonts box.
    4.      Choose your own font size in menu View->Text Size.

    Launch another Web browser
    Search for a text string on a Web page (the F stands for “Find”)
    Close a Web browser
    Bring up your history in a side panel; shows pages you have visited
    Bring  up your favorites in a side panel; shows pages you have “bookmarked” to quickly visit again
    Save a page URL to your favorites
    Stop the Music! (Some Web “designers” causes a music file to automatically start when you visit a Web page; also stops loading graphics.)
    Move to next field in a Web form
    Move to next link on Web page
    Move to the address box
    Shift/click on hypertext link
    This will cause the link to open in a new Web browser

    Default Web browser
    1.      If you want to set your start page to the specific Web page, bring that page up in the Web browser.  Choose the menu Tools->Internet Options
    2.      In Home page area, choose either Use Current or Use Blank

    Key Sequences
    Launch another Web browser
    Search for a text string on a Web page (the F stands for “Find”)
    Close a Web browser
    Bring up your history in a side panel; shows pages you have visited
    Bring  up your favorites in a side panel; shows pages you have “bookmarked” to quickly visit again
    Save a page URL to your favorites
    Stop the Music! (Some Web “designers” causes a music file to automatically start when you visit a Web page; also stops loading graphics.)
    Move to next field in a Web form
    Move to next link on Web page
    Move to the address box
    Shift/click on hypertext link
    This will cause the link to open in a new Web browser


          Electronic mail, or Email, is the term used to describe the tool, which allows one computer user to send a message to one or more other computer user to send a message to one or more other computer users over a computer network in a digital form.  Email can be sent internally to members of an organization through their internal computer network or they can be sent externally to anyone in the world by using network of computer networks that make up the Internet.
    It’s very similar to our traditional mail system with post boxes, post offices, envelopes and addresses. The difference is that instead of postal delivering your messages around the globe for you, messages are sent electronically to other computer users via the computer network (the Internet ) taking a fraction of the time to get there AND, you don’t have to walk to the letter box!
    Just as you can send attachments with your letters in the normal post, you can also send computer documents, graphics, and software of anything else that can be turned into a digital form attached to an email message.
    In order for messages to be sent from one computer to another, your message needs to be converted into a digital form and forwarded to a computer that acts as a mail server or post office. This mail server sorts and directs your mail for you. The only way this mail server can direct mail though, to all users is by being connected to a network that all the users are also connected to.
    This mail server can be within your organization or with an Internet Service Provider, so you would connect to it by logging into your email account. When you send your email message, the mail server decides whether the message is to be passed on to a user on its immediate network or it will pass it onto another mail server on another network closest to it through these combination of networks and each mail server keeps passing it on until it reaches its intended destination. This is known as the ‘store‘and ‘forward’ system, storing your message at various points on the path to its receiver waiting for the link to be free for it to forward your message on the next part of its journey.


    A domain name is the Internet address of a computer. All computers connected to the Internet have a domain name.
     A domain name is separated by periods (.) and will normally include the name of the organization, for example the domain name for JNTUniversity is , this includes web site name (jntu), which is part of the Department of academics, which is in India. Two-letter country codes are used, such as ‘in’ for India.
     Some of standard name:
    The Internet is a worldwide collection of computer networks, cooperating with each other to exchange data using a common software standard. Through telephone wires and satellite links, Internet users can share information in a variety of forms. The size, scope and design of the Internet allows users to:
     connect easily through ordinary personal computers and local phone numbers;
           exchange electronic mail (E-mail) with friends and colleagues with accounts on the Internet;
           post information for others to access, and update it frequently;
           access multimedia information that includes sound, photographic images and even video; and
           access diverse perspectives from around the world.
    An additional attribute of the Internet is that it lacks a central authority—in other words, there is no "Internet, Inc." that controls the Internet. Beyond the various governing boards that work to establish policies and standards, the Internet is bound by few rules and answers to no single organization. 
    Among the ways that users like yourself are taking advantage of the Internet are:
    Sharing research and business data among colleagues and like-minded        individuals.
    Communicating with others and transmitting files via E-mail.
     Requesting and providing assistance with problems and questions.
    Marketing and publicizing products and services.
    Gathering valuable feedback and suggestions from customers and business partners.
    Search Engines & Netiquette
    To know what search engines are and how to use the search engines. A few topics would be given to the students for which they need to search on Goggle.
    A search engine can be defined as a web site with tools which help you to find information on the internet. Search engine also called as wanderer, crawler, or spider. It allows the user to enter keywords relating to particular topics and retrieve information about internet sites containing those keywords. 
    Different search engines available are
    Mozilla Firefox
    1.      Limitation search engines visit web sites only several weeks.
    2.      Search engines cannot see information in other databases later on.
    3.      On the internet a search engine is a coordinated set of programs that includes: A spider that goes to every page or representative pages on every website that wants to be searchable and reads it, using hypertext links on each page to discover and read sites on other pages.
    You can select the search terms.
    You can use the same search terms with multiple search engines.
    You can change search terms as much as you wish.
    You will receive numerous links.
    Its fast.

           Because of many different search engines it is difficult to choose.
           You will normally receive too many links often making it difficult to identify the most relevant            sites.       
          The vast majority of links may be only marginally relevant or altogether irrelevant.
